love is cinta

Sometimes knowing if you are in love is hard, especially if it is your first time. Here are eighteen ways to tell if you are falling in love.

  1. You are comfortable and secure in your relationship. You trust that your partner won’t hurt you and there is no need of suspicion or jealousy.
  2. You have remained together through good times and bad.
  3. Thoughtful things are done just because it makes both of you feel good.
  4. Neither of you make sacrifices, only compromises.
  5. Your significant other has told you of their deep feelings, and they are returned.
  6. Your affections for your partner make you feel special and good about yourself.
  7. When there is a fight, you usually make up after only a few hours and agree that nothing is more important than both of you expressing your true feelings, even if they cause conflict.
  8. You and your partner feel no need to test each others feelings or loyalties.
  9. You can be yourself when with your partner more so than anyone else.
  10. You’ve forgotten your ex.
  11. You can’t stop thinking about your partner.
  12. You care about your significant other more than anything.
  13. You find your partners quirks charming.
  14. You have great chemistry.
  15. You don’t notice others as much.
  16. You love spending time together.
  17. Other priorities take a backseat.
  18. You start thinking about your future together.


saya suka utk highlight no 4 & 8 . sbb bila org kata cinta perlu ada pengorbanan’sย  looked like a little bit unfair kan…. dan selalu nya org perempuan yg telah menjadi seorg isteri… selalu nya akan ada byk pengorbanan…. sebagai isteri dan sebagai ibu…. sebagai pekerja.. sebagai student…. dan byk lg sebagai sebagai… byk nye benda kena bt dlm 1 hari….. kan..

kan lebih sedap di dgr kalau… instead of giving sacrifices, it’s being compromises… we compromise each other in doing our things together…ย  instead of being a husband.. he is also a daddy…also a employee.. a student…. byk jgk benda nk bt dlm 1 hari kan…… so neither of u feel unfair kan…. just happily ever after….. ๐Ÿ™‚

anyhow…this is real world we’re talking about.. non of it is fair enough… sbb itu tuhan menganugerahkan byk pahala kepada isteri2 yg solehah di luar sana…!!!!…. dan tuhan jgk menjanjikan syurga dari mana2 pintu yg anda suka…. ๐Ÿ™‚

test each other feelings and lotalty… saya pon x sure nk cite mcm mana… bg saya perasaan dan kesetiaan blh berubah… mungkin sekarg blm lg… sbb tgh hot becinta kan…. kalau pon x sekarg… mungkin 10 thn lg… mungkin 2 3 thn lg…. to me if u really love him..just thrust him…. just enjoy of what u have now… bersyukur dgn apa yg ada sekarang… panjatkan lah doa semoga perasaan dan kesetiaan itu hanya milik kita sehingga saat mata terpejam…. dan panjatkan doa semoga kitaย  menjadi bidadari syurga untuknya di sana……

ehh…sblm terlupa…tuhan srh kita berusaha… bkn tp2 hr doa tanpa usaha… berusaha berdoa dan tawakkal….. yg lain2 semua tuhan dah tentukan…. ๐Ÿ™‚

saya & kamu

saya x suke kamu… di saat kamu menampakkan kebodohan kamu sendiri…. saya x suke kamu…..

saya x suke kamu… di saat kamu menghukum dan menilai saya tanpa bertanya… saya x suke kamu…

saya x suke kamu… walau sepatah kata dr kamu… saya x suke kamu…

kerana saya telah menilai kamu… kamu adalah org yg begitu……

saya x suke kamu …


but still…

im trying hard to ignore u…. trying to forget and forgive u…..

im only human….. i can accept whatever u…. just dont mess with me…. my life has nothing to do with u……. and i dont like u……. ๐Ÿ™‚