cuti2 m’sia…’masjid kristal’ (part 2)

hr tu aku ada ckp nk letak gambar kan…ni la gmbar2 nyer… x kesah la apa pun assumption yg korang nk buat… gambar mmg blh menceritakan smua…(^_^).. enjoy the view…


 bg tgk gambar comel la pulak..(*nk cover line*)..kasi besaaaar pyer….heeheeee….(^_^)


‘aku engineer’

bila ckp je engineer.. byk org pon fikir mcm gempak… bile org tye.. ko kje ape skrg.. aku engineer dkt bla blaa blaa.. reality nyer.. engineer2 nie x la hebat mcm yg digembar gembur kan.. gempak dkt nama jer la.. sama jgk bile org/makcik2 sedara tya kan ..bile blk kg… belajar kat mane..blajar ape.. kite jwb amek degree engineering .. konon mcm hebat laa.. blh ade degree engineering tu kan… tmbh2 plak engineering yg org x penah dgr kan…heheee…

maybe..10 20 years back..when people talking bout engineering things.. u’re good enof.. better than anyone else.. at that time engineering field was something new.. something that really demanding.. ur knowledge .. nobody just can simply learnt.. gaji pon byk kan.. time tu la.. xheran kalau pakcik2 sepupu aku skrg gaji 10 20k/month..

tp skrg.. engineering ni dah bekembang dgn megahnyer.. bile aku jumpe membe2 yg keje engineer..yg sama2 ngaji dgn aku dulu2..or org lain2 yg engineer.. they are saying the same thing.. ‘ keje siang mlm last2 ape pon xde’.. ‘keje dah 10thn pon.. aku mcm kna bunuh senior engineer aku dl bru aku blh naik..’ (*ni mmg word dr otai2 engineer*).. ye la kn xkn dh 10thn keje nk duk kt tmpat bnda yg same.. last2 keje lain.. yg ssh jgk aku rase(*mana ade bnda sng dlm dunia nie kn*) tp.. it really out of field.. bdk2 scorer plak tu yg x jd engineer nie.. dl2 aku igt dieorg nie mmg hidup dedicated pyer nk jd engineer… tp bkn smue org ckp pasal gaji.. it’s more than u’re happy of doing something.. money just can come along.. isnt it??..

reality nyer.. cm tu la life as an engineer.. nama je konon2 gempak.. bak kata asst mnger aku dulu..’engineer ni mcm macai jer.. lebih cket sbb ada degree je’.. mugkin org lain yg x dlm technical field nie.. mugkin xtau..mungkin tau jgk.. tp tu la sebenarnyer cerita die.. xsehebat yg di byangkan.. x seindah rupe..heheee  .. ramai pon yg dh buat bnda lain.. bkn aku kta bljar engineering ni x bgus..bgus sbnrnya..byk blh bljr… sbb engineering ni luas..infinite… but when it comes to the real life… that’s the price u got to pay.. tp.. bile dh jd engineer nie.. sng nk buat keje lain.. aku pon xtau napa.. xde plak aku buat study case pasal ni.. engineer ni mmg blh buat smue kje(*betul ker??..lecturer aku pon ckp bnda yg sama gak dl2..*)..skrg baru aku tefikir…

oleh itu…wahai kwn2 ku sekalian.. jgn la korang konon2..aku nk kawen dgn engineer(*sbb ade aku tulis nie..rosak2*)..xde maknanyer.. yg penting hati kena baik..betul tak..(*sbb keliling2 aku smue engineer2 kan.. so..aku blh tulis la…ada jgk la architect2..qs*)..heeheeee…

‘happy chinese  new year’

cuti2 m’sia…’masjid kristal’

end of last year..aku dgn family2 pegi ct2 msia … sambil2 tu pegi lawat masjid cristal.. org kata cantik .. aku pun ajak la ayah aku g tgk..alang2 dah sampai… sempat la smbyg2 cket..cket jer..x byk..heeheee… architectural design mmg cantik.. cuma x cristal je la.. sbb die x shining.. dlm gmbr nie mmg nmpak cantik.. live x berapa cantik… tp mmg ramai la org yg melawat.. org luar pon ramai..penuh masjid.. kecik jer masjid nie..sbb mmg intention dieorg buat utk melawat2 je.. xde org smbyg jumaat..smue x de.. dtg smbyg cket2 ..dah balik(sbb tu la kiteorg smbyg cket2 je)…bkn x nak dok lama2..heeheee…

mcm aku ckp td.. architectural design mmg cantik… cuma.. construction tu aku rase… x berapa engineer la… org yg x jd engineer pon blh tau apa jd kalau…— (* to be continued*) – sbb aku xde gambar .. nt ak tunjuk gambar ..pastu korang fikir sendiri… mcm aku ckp dl2.. a pic can tell u a lot of story …rite??…

if life just like…’as i wish’

” just as in Smallville we wanted to subvert expectations… camelot is a land where magic is banned…and  merlin … is a young boy who works as Arthur’s manservant and has to hide his abilities…”

sejak2 nie..teraddicted plak tgk si merlin nie..comel…kalau lah blh hidup mcm merlin (^_^)…if life just like…’as i wish’…huh..mmg gumbira…simple n no doubt…than it remind me..last couples of old  friend of mine called..said something bout making money (hidup mmg kena materialistik..hahahaa)…than we went out..grab some drinks..met a few peoples that did this kind of business.. they do talk a lot..i guess people from this kind of field..they really can talk with strangers…that impressed.isn’t it??…they talk talk talk and talk..from930pm up until 1am…frankly speeking..i really dont have this kind of strength..talking bout ur things with strangers… only if  i had to ..when i was a tutor..i had to teach..kind like talking to strangers ..rite??..than im thinking..anyhow i can talk to strangers…i just the matter of time…when u’r forcing to do something..then u know u can do..

up until now ..

i really dont know what kind of business they are talking about…they just talk talk talk..but forget the main point.. i did asked..once..twice..couple of time actually…but they keep storying..bla blaa blaa…. what the hell are they doing??..jual dadah ke ape..heheee… what ever story guys made… i dont believe it until i see it… duit tu x dtg golek2 cam tu jer..kalau x de usaha… even if 10k/month pn.. kna usaha..usaha yg mcm 10k/mnth la kan… lain lah kalau jd merlin…just break the spells…(*_*)