
ni la tuan pyer kek..cuppies..








hr tu mkn cuppies..celebrate besday..but it’s not my besday..cuppies ni sooo sweet..xsampai hati nk mkn…wanna c?? farid yg buat nie..die kat wing sebelah sane…jrg ade guys pandai buat kek kan… tp ni bkn kek just rearrange the word to b mine…haahhaa..nk jgk nama!!..theme cuppies ni pun futsal…sah2 bkn saye pyer…supaye x mengecilkan hati tuan empunya kek…ltk jgk lahh d tru pic…:))…but my point here is….comel nyer kek nie!!!!…nk suruh farid buat lg lah!!!!….nk sambut besday sape tp????..besday sendiri pon dh lps…(“,)


my bestfriend’s birthday is comin’ up!!!….dunno what to surprise her…what im thinking ..rite now…hmm..i wanted to give her something nice…something dat worth enough..after 10 years…listening to all my crap…n being understand…when i couldnt find a word to say…nk bg ape ek???…:)).. bawak pegi jumpe beckhem lah…dat’s wat she loves d most…nk ke beckhem jumpe kiteorg???…hahhahaha…:P


hr nie nk cerite pasal….hmm…pagi2 saye…nk tau camner??…mcm nie la…siap blh saye snap gambar lg…can u imagine how long i stucked  in traffic jam every day???….n how much time i spend everyday just on the road…:(( cite b continue…:))




hari ni mj or micheal jackson akan dikebumikan kan….so al-fatihah..what im going to say is…i know he’s a legend..he’s a star..but he’s a muslim..rite…do he need all the circus stuff on his funeral??? all the glamorous and kind of  a big star concert there…what those poeple think??….he’s the way…to should be in a proper way as a muslim…it’s ok to have all d people around the wolrd…pray for him..whatever language u say..He’d know..hmm..i dont me it should be that way…im not really good in religious…but one thing i know..when people die..doa kepada simati tu…is the most thing he ever wanted…amin..:)

bowling vs negara

sabtu lps saye pegi main boling..anjuran puteri umno kan..syhhhuuu..(bile time saye penah jd puteri umno??..hahahaa) smue kekwn saye yg ajak…sbb selayang mall tu xsampai 20mnt pun dr mcm..kire halal la..but it’s not my point..the point is how can u contribute something to ur nation thru bowling ..huh…i dont know ..u tell me…coz..we’r not playing that game for m’sia or something…we’r playing for fun…i dont know..maybe the relationship that can be built thru the game is the matters….but ..still..i dont get it…:)..sekadar main jer …:))

n..last new born warded…virus infection..afham muayyad bin muhammad fakhrul radzi..panjang kan name?..mesti letih nt cikgu srh tulis name…heheee…keep still..u’r strong dude..u gonna b fine…:))


hari sabtu lps ..saye ade game..volleyball tournament…dah lame xmain..sejak2 abes sek men matriks pastu  u nie…dah x main dah…so pendek cite…ade la 2 3 tahun xpegang bola tu…tetibe pegi main..saje pegi tunjuk skills…hehehee…blh lg main rupenye…skill tu ok lg…:)) tp xbest nyer…main tgh panas….pagi tu ok la kan…ni ke srh main pkul 3ptg…matahari atas kepale jer…dah xnmpak dah bola ke matahari…pakai sunblock branded pon terbakar kulit…:((..part tu yg x berape best….:(

hmm…sbb saye dah tebiase main dgn smue org yg tau main…so mcm x smooth sgt la..main dgn group yg form tetibe kan…n x blh nk assume smue org pandai main…sbb ni game suke2 jer …tp kiteorg mng gak…hehhee…2nd placed jer tp…ok la kan….tp..lutut bedarah tu ..part x best…sakit…:((..sape srh saye dive time amek bola..??..dah tau game suke2…nk tau knape??..sbb mcm tindakan refleks…huhuuu…sbb dulu coach saye train saye as a libro..sblm 2 saye main sub…so…kalau x dapat 1st ball tu…kna marah jgk laaa…:((…pastu die dgn suke2 hati nyer srh saye jd setter plak…saye pon ikot jer plak tu…heehhee..nk bt camner…saye bdk bru belajar..:))..nasib x srh saye jd spiker…huhuuu…sampai ker???…:))

welcome to my new world…’s my 1st time experience of this kind of blogging…im not so sure bout my writing skills…but hope that i can enjoy this new world of me.. n all of u as well…welcome to my new world!!!..:)